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UX/Design Management

It can be a bit abstract to explain what UX management is about. 


For me, it is about optimizing the process, utilizing the tools, and supporting the growth of people.

Lead Design System

Design system is an agreement for designers to work together. As a UX lead, I led the team to build up and maintain the design system. I led the discussion to debate the rules and process, document the agreement, and make sure everyone follows it.

Link to design system project

Promote UX in the Organization 

UX is in general not fully understood by all stakeholders in most companies. The limitation of understanding prevents the organization from getting the most out of their UX team and also leads to the frustration of the team itself. 

As a UX lead, I have been actively educating the organization about the value of UX design, how the design team works and how to work the best with the design team. The message is delivered by sharing user research newsletters, inviting stakeholders to research sessions and active communication of the process.

Link to an example of UX process communication

People Management

I have taken many actions around people management to promote healthy communication in the team as well as increase retention.


What has been proven successful in my past experience includes

  • a weekly sharing routine in a non-judgemental environment so every designer gets to discuss their work and seek help from their peers

  • weekly social hour to keep up the team spirits, especially during the pandemic 

  • bi-monthly UX and team health check to track the status of the team and trigger discussions on team improvement 

  • and a career progression path to give people clear goals and establish the requirements.

Link to the proposal of the career progression path

Enhance Data-Driven Culture

It is important for any team to establish a data-driven culture. In my past experience, I have 

  • Researched and led the integration of the first tool for behavior analysis.

  • Organized company-wise training on Analytics and User Experience to lay out the foundation for further development

  • Helped people to apply data in their decision

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